Caron Benoit

Equipe : Pétrologie et Géodynamique
Ingénieur de Recherche
Responsable de la plateforme ALIPP6
Assistant de Prévention
Sorbonne Université - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie, Tour 46 - 00 3ème étage, Bureau 320
Téléphone : 01 44 27 73 86
E-mail :
Thèmes de recherche
Volcanologie Géochimie Tephrostratigraphie LA-ICP-MS/MS ICP-OES ALIPP6
B. Lefeuvre, B. Dubacq, A. Verlaguet, C. Herviou, S. Walker, B. Caron, E. Baxter, P. Agard 2024. Disentangling the compositional variations of lawsonite in blueschist-facies metasediments (Schistes Lustrés, W. Alps).
Seibert, N. Feuillet, G. Ratzov, C. Beck, P. Morena, L. Johannes, E. Ducassou, A. Cattaneo, C. Goldfinger, E. Moreno, A. Bieber, G. Bénâtre, B. Caron and the CASEIS Cruise Party 2023. Sedimentary Records in the Lesser Antilles Fore‐Arc Basins Provide Evidence of Large Late Quaternary Megathrust Earthquakes. G3 DOI: 10.1029/2023GC011152
Caron B., Del Manzo G., Villemant B., Bartolini A., Moreno E., Le Friant A., Bassinot F., Baudin F., Alves A., 2023. Marine records reveal multiple phases of Toba’s last volcanic activity, Scientific Reports /
Gyomlai T., Agard P., Jolive L., Larvet T., Bonnet G., Omrani J., Larson K., Caron B., Noël J. 2022. Cimmerian metamorphism and post Mid-Cimmerian exhumation in Central Iran: Insights from in-situ Rb/Sr and U/Pb dating. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,
Mauran G., Caron B., Beck L., Détroit F., Nous C., Tombret O, Pleurdeau D., Bahain J-J., Lebon M. 2022. Standardization procedure to provide a unified multi-method elemental compositional dataset, application to ferruginous colouring matters from Namibia. JAS Reports
B. Villemant, A. Le Friant, B. Caron, G. Del Manzo, S. Lafuerza, L. Emmanuel, O. Ishizuka, H. Guyart, N. Labourdette, A. Michel†, S. Hidalgo, 2022. A 1.5 Ma marine record of volcanic activity and associated landslides offshore Martinique (Lesser Antilles): sites U1397 and U1399 of IODP 340 expedition. Frontier in Earth Sciences
Cousin, V. Sautter, C. Fabre, G. Dromart, G. Montagnac, C. Drouet, P.Y. Meslin, O. Gasnault, O. Beyssac, S. Bernard, E. Cloutis, O. Forni, P. Beck, T. Fouchet, J. R. Johnson, J. Lasue, A.M. Ollila j, P. De Parseval, S. Gouy, B. Caron, J.M. Madariaga, G. Arana, M. Bo Madsen, J. Laserna, J. Moros, J.A. Manrique, G. Lopez-Reyes, F. Rull, S. Maurice, R.C. Wiens, 2021. SuperCam Calibration Targets on Board the Perseverance Rover: Fabrication and Quantitative Characterization 2021. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Mauran G., Caron B., Detroit F., Nankela A., Bahain J-J., Pleurdeau D., Lebon M., Data pretreatment and multivariate analyses for ochre sourcing: application to Leopard Cave rock art shelter (Erongo, Namibia). Journal of Archaeological Science 2021
Jentzer M., Whitechurch, H., Agard, P., Ulrich, M., Caron, B., Zarrinkoub, M. H., Kohansal, R., Miguet, L., Omrani, J., Fournier, M., (2020). Calc-alkaline Cretaceous magmatism constraints subduction polarity and history in the Sistan belt, Eastern Iran.
Bonnet, G., Agard, P., Whitechurch, H., Fournier, M., Angiboust, S., Caron, B., Omrani, J., (2020). Fossil seamount in SE Zagros records forearc to back-arc transition: new constraints for the evolution of the Neotethys. Gondwana Research DOI: 10.1016/J.GR.2019.10.019
Bonnet G., Agard P., Angiboust S., Monié P., Fournier M., Caron B., Omrani J., (2020). Structure and metamorphism of a subducted seamount (Zagros suture, S. Iran). Geosphere
Tan Z., Agard P., Moné P., Gao J., John T., Bayet L., Jiang T., Wang X-S., Hong T., Wan B., Caron B., (2019). Architecture and P-T-deformation-time evolution of the Chinese SW-Tianshan HP/UHP complex: Implications for subduction dynamics. Earth Science Reviews 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102894
Tonolo F., Salmain M., Scalcon V., Top S., Pigeon P., Folda A., Caron B., McGlinchey M.J., Bindoli A., Jaouen G., Vessières A., Rigobello M-P, (2019). Small structural differences between two ferrocenyl diphenols setermine large discrepancies of reactivity and biological effects. ChemMedChem
Nunes T., Pons T., Hou X., Do K-V, Caron B., Rigal M., Di Benedetto M., Palpant B., Leboeuf C., Janin A., Bousquet G., 2019. Pulsed laser irradiation of multifunctional gold nanoshells to overcome trastuzumab resistance in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research
Mauran G., Lebon M., Detroit F., Caron B., Nankela A., Pleurdeau D., Bahain J-J. 2019. First in situ pXRF analyses of rock paintings in Erongo, Namibia: results, current limits and prospects. AASC
Crombez V., Baudin F., Rohais S, Riquier L, Euzen T, Pauthier S, Ducros M, Caron B, Vaisblat N. 2017. Basin scale distribution of organic matter in marine fine-grained sedimentary rocks: Insight from sequence stratigraphy and multi-proxies analysis in the Montney and Doig Formations. Marine and Petroleum Geology doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2016.10.013
Kolosnjaj-Tabi, J., Javed, Y., Lartigue, L., Volatron, J., Elgrabli, D., Marangon, I., Pugliese, G., Caron, B., Figuerola, A., Luciani, N., Pellegrino, T., Alloyeau, D. Gazeau F., 2015. The one year fate of iron oxide coated gold nanoparticles in mice. ACS Nano doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b00042
Le Friant, A., Ishizuka, O., Boudon, G., Palmer, M.R., Talling, P., Villemant, B., Adachi, T., Aljahdali, M., Breitkreuz, C., Brunet, M., Caron B., Coussens, M., Deplus, C., Endo, D., Feuillet, N., Fraas, A.J., Fujinawa, A., Hart, M., Hatfield, R.G., Hornbach, M., J., Jutzeler, M., Kataoka, K. S., Komorowski, J-C, Lebas, E., Lafuerza, S., Maeno, F., Manga, M., Martinez-Colon, M., McCanta, M., McManus, J., Morgan, S., Saito, T., Slagle, Sparks, S., A., Stinton, A., Stroncik, N., Subramanyam, K. S.V., Tamura, Y., Trofimovs, J, Voight, B., Wall-Palmer, D., Wang, Fei, Watt, S.F.L., 2015. Submarine record of volcanic island construction and collapse in the Lesser Antilles: First scientific drilling of submarine volcanic island landslides by IODP Expedition 340. Geochem., Geophys., Geosyst, 16, doi:10.1002/2014GC005652.
Villemant B., Caron B., Thierry P., Boivin P., 2016. Magmatic Evolution of Pavin’s Group of Volcanoes: Petrology, Geochemistry and Modeling of Differentiation Processes. A Preliminary Study. Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, T. Sime-Ngando et al. (eds.), Lake Pavin, Chap. 7, 129-142, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39961-4_7
Sulpizio R., Zanchetta G., Caron B., Dellino P., Mele D., Giaccio B., Insinga D., Paterne M., Siani G., Costa A., Macedonio G., Santacroce R., 2014. Volcanic ash hazard in the Central Mediterranean assessed from geological data. Bulletin of Volcanology 76:866 doi 10.1007/s00445-014-0866-y.
Boutoux A., Verlaguet A., Bellahsen N., Lacombe O., Villemant B., Caron B., Cartigny P., Martin E., Assayag N.. 2014.Fluid systems above basement shear zones during inversion of pre-orogenic sedimentary basins (External Crystalline Massifs, Western Alps). Lithos 206-207, 435-453.
Angiboust S., Pettke T., De Hoog J., Caron B., Oncken O., 2014. Channelized Fluid Flow and Eclogite-facies Metasomatism along the Subduction Shear Zone. Journal of petrology. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egu010
Caron B., Siani G., Sulpizio R., Zanchetta G., Paterne M., Santacroce R., 2012. Late Pleistocene-Holocene tephrostratigraphical record from Ionian Sea: insight for activity of Italian volcanoes. Marine Geology 311-314, 41–51. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2012.04.001.
Zanchetta G., Sulpizio R., Roberts N., Cioni R., Eastwood W. J., Siani G., Caron B., Paterne M., Santacroce R., 2010. Tephrostratigraphy, chronology and climatic events of the Mediterranean basin during the Holocene, Holocene doi: 10.1177/0959683610377531.
Caron B., Sulpizio R., Zanchetta G., Siani G., Santacroce R., 2010. The Late Holocene to Pleistocene tephrostratigraphic record of Lake Ohrid (Albania). Comptes Rendus Géoscience. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2010.03.007
Lézine A.-M., von Grafenstein U., Andersen N., Belmecheri S., Bordon A., Caron B., Cazet J.-P., Erlenkeuser H., Fouache E., Grenier C., Huntsman-Mapila P., Hureau-Mazaudier D., Manelli D., Mazaud A., Robert C., Sulpizio R., Tiercelin J.-J., Zanchetta G., Zeqollari Z., 2010. Lake Ohrid, Albania, provides an exceptional multi-proxy record of environmental changes during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 287 (2010) 116–127 doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.01.016.
Sulpizio R., van Welden A., Caron B., Zanchetta G., 2010. The Holocene tephrostratigraphic record of Lake Shkodra (Albania and Montenegro), Journal of Quaternary Science doi: 10.1002/jqs.1334
Komorowski J.-C., Legendre Y., Caron B., Boudon G., 2008. Reconstruction and analysis of sub-Plinian tephra dispersal during the 1530 A.D. Soufrière (Guadeloupe) eruption: implications for scenario definition and hazards assessment. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., special issue on Evaluating Explosive Risk at European Volcanoes (Exploris issue) 178 (2008) 491–515 doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.11.022
2023: DIM PAMIR Ile de France / Sorbonne Université:
Le projet ALLIBS & ICP-MS/MS de la plateforme d’analyse géochimique de Sorbonne Université s’inscrit dans un projet de grande envergure. ALLIBS & ICP-MS/MS a comme double but de 1/remplacer l’ablation laser de la plateforme ALIPP6 par un modèle novateur et 2/ de doter ladite plateforme de deux lignes d’analyses par spectrométrie de masse distinctes : une ligne dédiée aux analyses élémentaires et isotopique in situ solide et une ligne dédiée aux analyses élémentaires et isotopiques en solution. Les 2 modes sont difficilement compatibles, demande une prouesse technique et de longs temps de stabilisation.
ALIPP6 se verra ainsi doter d’une ablation laser pionnière couplant deux technologies : l’ablation d’échantillon in situ comprenant un laser excimer et un LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). Cet instrument remplacera la laser actuel (hors service et obsolète) et permettra de faire sauter un verrou technologique. Le LIBS intégré au laser est un avantage technologique et permet de passer un gap dans la discipline. La technologie LIBS est utilisée sur les instruments embarqués comme SuperCam du rover Mars2020.
L’acquisition d’une ICP-MS/MS triple quadrupôles dédiée au plasma sec, donc à l’ablation laser, permettra d’avoir une ligne dédiée aux analyses de petit et très petit volume pour acquérir les compositions géochimiques d’échantillons, aussi bien élémentaires qu’isotopiques. Ce couple d’instrument LA-LIBS-ICPMS/MS, le second en Europe, sera particulièrement efficace pour les éléments (Cu, Fe, Ti, Br, Cl…) et isotopes (Pb, U, Rb, Sr…) très affectés par les interférences isobariques (oxydes, doublement chargés, polyatomique…).
Enfin et exceptionnellement, le LA-LIBS pourra être connecté simultanément aux deux ICP-MS/MS afin de réaliser deux analyses conjointes en mode MS/MS avec les gaz de la cellule collision réaction sur un même volume d’échantillon (1er mondiale).
The ALLIBS & ICP-MS/MS project of geochemical analysis lab ALIPP6 (Sorbonne Université – Paris) is a large-scale project in two phases. ALLIBS & ICP-MS/MS has the dual purpose of 1/ replacing the laser ablation of the ALIPP6 facilities with an innovative model and 2/ providing this analytical lab with two separate mass spectrometry analysis lines: a line dedicated to elemental and isotopic solid in situ analyses and a line dedicated to elemental and isotopic analyses in solution mode. The two modes are not compatible, require important technical efforts and excessively long signal stabilization.
ALIPP6 will therefore be equipped with a pioneering laser ablation coupling two technologies: in situ sample ablation including an excimer laser and LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy). This instrument will replace the current laser (out of service and obsolete) and will break down technological limits. The LIBS integrated into the laser is a technological advantage which makes it possible to pass a gap in the discipline. The LIBS technology is used on the SuperCam on-board instrument of Perseverance rover.
The acquisition of a triple quadrupole ICP-MS/MS specific to dry plasma, and therefore to laser ablation, will make it possible to have an analysis line dedicated to small and very small material volume analyses to acquire the geochemical compositions of both elementary and isotopic samples. This couple of instruments LA-LIBS and ICP-MS/MS, the second one in Europe, will be particularly efficient for elements (e.g. Cu, Fe, Ti, As, Ca, Br, Cl…) and isotopes (e.g. Pb, U, Th, Rb Sr, Lu, Hf, Si…) which are very affected by isobaric interference (oxide, double charged, poly-atomics…).
Finally and exceptionally, the LA-LIBS could be connected simultaneously to the two ICP-MS/MS in order to carry out twin analyses in MS/MS mode with the gases of the collision reaction cell on the same volume of sample (world first time).
2022: ANR ColorSources , M ; Lebon (MNHN), B. Caron responsable partenaire SU, 445k€.
2021: AO IPGP et INSU E. Lebas (IPGP) 10+17,5 k€,
2020: LEFE ETOB A. Bartolini (MNHN) 10 k€,
IPSL Toba vs Mousson E. Moreno (LOCEAN, MNHN) 14k€,
2018: ANR CARQUAKES, N. Feuillet (IPGP), B. Caron (SU) (500 k€)
2017: OPUS APaNam Sorbonne Universités (SU) M. Lebon (MNHN, Musée de l’Homme).
2015: DIM IdF ALIPP6 (B. Caron, B. Villemant, M. Gerard, UPMC) : Achat d’instruments d’analyse de géochimie inorganique et création de la plateforme ALIPP6: ICP-MS-MS 8800 et ICP-OES de toute dernière génération, et une Ablation Laser 193nm. Projet co-financé par la région IdF, l’UPMC (UMR ISTeP, IMPMC, METIS, CR2P, LOCEAN, SVI) et Saint Gobain Recherche (600 k€). Extension de garantie totale à 5 ans. 2019 : Jouvence ICP-MS-MS 8900 (170 k€).
Développement d’un partenaire-lab’ avec la société Agilent Technologies.
2015: Convergence Sorbonne 2015 AlbatREE M. de Rafelis (UPMC) (50 k€),
2014: ANR CARIB A. Le Friant (IPGP), B. Villemant responsable partenaire UPMC (90 k€).
2014: JSPS-CNRS Collaboration France-Japon, A. Le Friant (IPGP) (20 k€).
Coup de Pouce Riquier/Moreno 2012; Dubacq,2014 ; Équipement labo 2014 ; Rosenberg, 2016 ; Bellahsen, 2017 ; Équipement labo 2017 ; Caron 2020.
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Chiffres clés
L'ISTeP comprend 108 membres dont :
- 12 professeurs
- 21 maîtres de conférences
- 2 directeurs de recherche CNRS
- 2 chargés de recherche CNRS
- 7 ATER et post-docs
- 26 doctorants
- 17 collaborateurs bénévoles / émérites