Journée Scientifique CYCL'HAL 2023From mantle processes to emissions and their impact on the atmosphere

Journée Scientifique - Scientific WORKSHOP - CYCL'HAL 2023
Vendredi 20 Octobre - Friday 20th October - En présentiel et en distanciel - onsite and remote
ONSITE - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
4, Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
Conference room : 46-56, 2d floor
REMOTE - Video-conference
ID de réunion: 957 0931 2382
Code secret: K5sgyr
Claudia D'Oriano (INGV-Pisa)
Anne-Sophie Bouvier (Lausanne)
Kirstin Krüger (Oslo University)
Stam Flemetakis (Muenster University)
Martyn Chipperfield (Leeds university)
Date limite d'inscription : 1er octobre, 1st october (pour les personnes en présentiel)
Inscription Deadline : 1st october (only for ONSITE attendance)
Contact and inscriptions :
helene.balcone_boissard @
Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion: 957 0931 2382
Code secret: K5sgyr
Feuilleter les résumés en ligne / Browse abstracts online
9h – Opening - Welcome coffee
9h30 Introduction
9h35: Stam Flemetakis (Muenster University): “The solidus of peridotites in the presence of F and other volatiles - Do we need more complex experiments?”
10h00: Mara Miranda (University of Geneva) “Development of new methods to track magma degassing and fluid fluxing in complex magmatic systems: The study of heavy halogens”
10h15: Tobias Grützner (Frankfurt, Germany) “Heavy halogen impact on Raman water bands at high pressure”
10h30: Sami Soudani " The effect of iodine on the local environment of network forming elements in aluminoborosilicate glasses : an NMR study" (University of Nantes)
10H45 - Coffee break
11h15: Eliott Carter (Trinity College Dublin) "Multi-stage carbonation of mantle peridotites in the Oman Ophiolite: tracing fluids using halogens and trace elements" -remote-
11h30: Claudia D'Oriano (INGV-Pisa) "High-resolution compositional mapping reveals degassing dynamics during major explosions at Stromboli"
11h55: Yann Morizet (University of Nantes) “Iodine dissolution mechanisms in high-pressure aluminoborosilicate glasses and its relationship to oxygen speciation”
12h10: Anne-Sophie Bouvier Chlorine isotope behavior in subduction zone settings: insights from olivine- hosted melt inclusions and bulk rock (Lausanne)
12H35 - General discussion + poster time
13h - Lunchtime
14h30: Slimane Bekki (LATMOS) “Introduction : Halogen and atmosphere”
14h45 Kirstin Krüger (Oslo University): “Initial meteorological conditions and eruption source parameters control on volcanic forcing”
15h10: Martyn Chipperfield (Leeds university) “Impact of halogens on ozone in the lower stratosphere”
15h35: Marion Louvel (ISTO) “Br degassing mechanism investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy”
15h50: Bastian Joachim (Innsbrück) “Bromine partitioning between olivine, orthopyroxene and melt at MORB and OIB source conditions”
16h05: Sarah Figowy (Oslo) -remote- “Crystal chemistry and partitioning of halogens in hydrous silicates“
16h20: Daniele Pinti (Géotop, Montréal) -remote- “Elemental and isotopic systematics of chlorine and other elements (b, li) in geothermal fluids of Mexico”
16h35 final discussion
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Chiffres clés
L'ISTeP comprend 108 membres dont :
- 12 professeurs
- 21 maîtres de conférences
- 2 directeurs de recherche CNRS
- 2 chargés de recherche CNRS
- 7 ATER et post-docs
- 26 doctorants
- 17 collaborateurs bénévoles / émérites